. .

"Mit der Dummheit kämpfen Götter selbst vergebens."

"Contra la estupidez, hasta los propios dioses luchan en vano."

Friedrich Schiller

jueves, 25 de abril de 2013

De qué iba eso de antes?

Ya se, este perro ha vuelto más raro e incomprensible.
Y encima escribe en extranjero.

Podría parafrasear al genial Pepe Isbert y deciros que como vuestro perro que soy os debo una explicación y os la voy a dar, si os la doy.

Bueno "erresumiendo" …

… esto va de papas polacos, de santidades y de criminales, de graciosos ignorantes o no tan ignorantes, de papas argentinos, presuntos seres humanos, mientras no se demuestre lo contrario.

Y va de redacciones para clase de inglés sobre crímenes divertidos, mil perdones Leire!!!!

Lo podeis traducir con el traductor de Google, igual hasta se entiende.

Pero en lineas generales, coroneles, sargentos y tropa en general, coronel, sargento …

se puede resumir con una cita de un tal Weissenborn

"Desde que dejó crucificar a mi hermano para hacer las paces conmigo, sé lo que tengo que pensar de mi padre"

Pues eso,

Vuestro perro que os quiere … Amén/

About polish Popes, Saints soon and funny crimes

Once upon a time …

one great man.

It sounds like a tale, but it isn’t a story but History.

He had a first name that sounded like a Christmas song, he was loved  by people.
Our white dove was considered an intelligent and good person, and so people believed his words.

However, deep in his soul, he didn’t love human beings.
He only loved his power in the Assembly.
His sin was pride.

Words were said by the polite Pole,
“Condoms are sin, and useless. They don’t protect you against neither Satan nor HIV”

People were cheated by him because he was lying.

Because of this, death and pain came to Earth.

As a result children were born ill, lost their parents and became orphans, suffering hunger and isolation.
Continents were devastated by uncontrolled diseases.

That’s a crime, a crime against Humanity.

Now, you can ask me where the funny part of this crime is.

And I'll answer you. Stupid persons (people) consider him a Saint (saint soon!).

And I want to question the newest great man. Francesco, what are you doing with this? What will you do with this?

Your dog, who loves you/